With the widespread adoption of OpenTelemetry as standard in the Observability ecosystem, the more I see the OpenTelemetry Collector deployed at customers.

A nice subproject here is the OpenTelemetry Collector Builder (OCB) which allows to easily create your custom distribution of the Collector. Some notable distributions here are:

These custom distributions can be used to the minimum size for your specific use case or a custom module written by your own. For example, to implement a complex filter logic or support an internal API.

Such a custom distro starts mostly simply, tough with time more and more modules will be added, and sooner than later you will have to invest some time to keep the builder config update to date. Here comes the new ocb manager for RenovateBot into play. If enabled, it allows updating the OCB config files with the current versions and simultaneously bumping the version of your collector distribution.

We will use this builder-config.yaml named build config file for our custom distribution:

  name: otelcol-custom
  description: Local OpenTelemetry Collector binary
  module: github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector
  otelcol_version: 0.86.0
  version: 1.0.0
  output_path: /tmp/dist
  - gomod: github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib/exporter/awss3exporter v0.86.0
  - gomod: go.opentelemetry.io/collector/exporter/debugexporter v0.86.0
  - gomod: go.opentelemetry.io/collector/receiver/otlpreceiver v0.86.0
  - gomod: go.opentelemetry.io/collector/processor/batchprocessor v0.86.0

We define our OpenTelemetryCollector version we want to use via otelcol_version

version defines the version of our custom distribution.

Modules such as exporters, connectors, receivers and processors are list of Go modules which are packaged in our distribution.

How to update all of this?

As there is no convention of how the builder configs are named, Renovate has not any file pattern added by default to look for. Because of this fact we have to add an additional fileMatch pattern for our ocb manager.

  "ocb": {
    "fileMatch": [

Here we instruct Renovate to look files named builder-config.yml or builder-config.yaml in any location in your repository.

When Renovate runs against your repository, you will get a number of PRs which will update the different components.

There are too many

Now you may want to group all PRs if they are coming from one of the upstream repositories. You can achieve this with packageRules and the groupName attribute.

  "ocb": {
    "fileMatch": [
  "packageRules": [
      "matchSourceUrls": [
      "groupName": "upstream dependencies"

You can also use matchDepTypes with the depTypes provided by ocb such as collector and extensions.

Can we automate that?

With all these new PRs, we have still to bump the version before merging, tough this can be automated too. This is achieved using the bumpVersion option, which sets up Renovate to increase the version field with a semver level.

  "bumpVersion": "minor",
  "ocb": {
    "fileMatch": [

And this is it. You can find this setup in this example repo: https://github.com/secustor/ocb-renovate.

I hope you like this newest addition to Renovate, and it will reduce the load overhead the same as it has done for me.