In this blog, we will go through the config used in the Meetup talk “Renovate: Let’s upgrade your dependency workflow” and I will explain how to implement my favorite features of Renovate. If you do not know what Renovate is, I highly recommend going through the slides.

The basis

First we add a JSON schema reference with the $schema key, which allows editors to fetch the current schema of Renovate config. This enables intellisense and validation in IDEs.

The second option extends is an array of Presets references. Presets are used to ship and share common configuration from the Renovate team to the community. It is also possible to use presets to point to configuration files in other repositories. This can be used to centrally manage your configuration for a whole organization or define a common config for a type of repository.

github>foo/bar:myConfig will for example load a json named myConfig.json located in the root of

  "$schema": "",
  "extends": [


osvVulnerabilityAlerts enables Renovate to lookup dependencies on to find potential security risks.

dependencyDashboardOSVVulnerabilitySummary controls if and what vulnerabilities should be displayed on the “Dependency Dashboard”. Here we use all to display even vulnerabilities for which Renovate already has opened PRs to fix them up.

  "osvVulnerabilityAlerts": true,
  "dependencyDashboardOSVVulnerabilitySummary": "all"

Labels and Templates

Labels are useful to find quick PRs opened by Renovate. To enable this Renovate provides to config options which can be set globally or in the scope of a packageRule.

These two are labels and addLabels.

The first is not merge-able and will therefore be overwritten if set multiple times, e.g. and in scope a packageRule

The second is additive so if multiple addLabels options are defined the values are merged before applying to the PRs.

In the definition of the second label, we see another important feature of Renovate: templating. These allow defining dynamic values. In this case, we could define a packageRule for each manager, but this way a label is with the manager name is added to every PR created in this repository.

  "addLabels": ["renovate","{{{manager}}}"]

Package Rules and Replacements

packageRule can be used to conditionally apply configuration. This is done by defining a set of match and exclude functions, these are identifiable by the match and exclude prefix respectively.

Other options are applied if the rule matches, e.g. groupName to group multiple updates together. description is an exception to this rule, it has no effect and is only used to document your rules if JSON is used.

replacementName is one of multiple replacement options, which allow migration of all matching dependencies to a new one. In this case we match every Docker reference ( matchDatasources ) with the reference to the Renovate Docker image on DockerHub ( matchPackageNames ) and then apply the new Docker reference. This leads to a new replacement PR such as this one.

  "packageRules": [
      "description": "Replace Dockerhub with for renovate",
      "matchDatasources": ["docker"],
      "matchPackageNames": [""],
      "replacementName": ""

Regex Manager

RegexManagers allows updating versions are not natively supported by Renovate. This could be for example variables which reference dependencies, parts of documentation referring to Docker images or simply ecosystems which Renovate does not support yet.

The first manager looks at the in the root of the repository and then uses the regex defined in matchStrings to extract the depName ( which is in this case the Docker image) and the currentValue ( the Docker image tag e.g. v1.3.0 ). Finally, we define the datasource docker ( which uses DockerHub by default) to look up the found Docker image.

The second manager is a more complex example, it makes use of a common pattern in which a comment is added before a dependency you want to update. Consider the following Dockerfile:

# renovate: datasource=github-releases depName=aquasecurity/trivy extractVersion=true
RUN wget -c${TRIVY_VERSION}/trivy_${TRIVY_VERSION}_Linux-64Bit.tar.gz -O - | \
        tar -xzC /usr/local/bin trivy

This will match the string # renovate: datasource=github-releases depName=aquasecurity/trivy extractVersion=true \nARG TRIVY_VERSION=0.40.0 and extract github-releases as datasource, aquasecurity/trivy as dependency name, 0.40.0 as value. If the user defines a different versioning system than the default one ( semver ) or an extractVersion block with true will activate in the pattern the removal of leading vs in versions of GitHub releases. The result is visible on this PR.

  "regexManagers": [
      "fileMatch": ["^$"],
      "matchStrings": ["(?<depName>[\\w/\\.]+):(?<currentValue>[^\\s]+)"],
      "datasourceTemplate": "docker"
      "fileMatch": ["(^|/)Dockerfile$"],
      "matchStrings": [
        "renovate: datasource=(?<datasource>.*?) depName=(?<depName>\\S*)( versioning=(?<versioning>.*?))?( extractVersion=(?<extractVersion>.*?))?\\nARG .*?_VERSION=(?<currentValue>.*)\\s"
      "versioningTemplate": "{{#if versioning}}{{{versioning}}}{{else}}semver{{/if}}",
      "extractVersionTemplate": "{{#if (equals extractVersion 'true')}}^v(?<version>\\S+){{/if}}"

The complete config

Now we can combine all parts and get following renovate.json

  "$schema": "",
  "extends": [
  "osvVulnerabilityAlerts": true,
  "dependencyDashboardOSVVulnerabilitySummary": "all",
  "addLabels": ["renovate","{{{manager}}}"],
  "packageRules": [
      "description": "Replace Dockerhub with for renovate",
      "matchDatasources": ["docker"],
      "matchPackageNames": [""],
      "replacementName": ""
  "regexManagers": [
      "fileMatch": ["^$"],
      "matchStrings": ["(?<depName>[\\w/\\.]+):(?<currentValue>[^\\s]+)"],
      "datasourceTemplate": "docker"
      "fileMatch": ["(^|/)Dockerfile$"],
      "matchStrings": [
        "renovate: datasource=(?<datasource>.*?) depName=(?<depName>\\S*)( versioning=(?<versioning>.*?))?( extractVersion=(?<extractVersion>.*?))?\\nARG .*?_VERSION=(?<currentValue>.*)\\s"
      "versioningTemplate": "{{#if versioning}}{{{versioning}}}{{else}}semver{{/if}}",
      "extractVersionTemplate": "{{#if (equals extractVersion 'true')}}^v(?<version>\\S+){{/if}}"
