Building a developer portal the OpenSource way: An introduction to Backstage

As I have been invited to hold on the first occurrence of the “CloudNative Meetup: St.Pölten”, there have been a single topic which would fit that opportunity. Backstage

February 22, 2024 · Sebastian Poxhofer

Renovate: Let's upgrade your dependency workflow

An introduction to Renovate why you should automate your dependency workflow, why to use a centralized tool and why you should use Renovate for the task. If you are interested in a break-down of the example, read this Blog entry.

April 11, 2023 · Sebastian Poxhofer

OpenTelemetry: OTEL and Kafka

This talk is an update of OpenTelemetry: from Frontend to Backend presented at Grafana and Friends: Munich Repository:

November 23, 2022 · Sebastian Poxhofer

OpenTelemetry: How to debug user performance in your frontend

In this talk, which builds up on my previous talk and example of OpenTelemetry: from Frontend to Backend I give an overview of what OpenTelemetry (OTeL) is and how it can be leveraged to debug frontend performance. This is achieved by leveraging only OpenSource components such as OpenTelemetry and Unleash. The example consists of multiple microservices which are deployed in a Kubernetes cluster. Repository: Components Unleash Unleash is an open source feature flag service....

April 27, 2022 · Sebastian Poxhofer

OpenTelemetry: from Frontend to Backend

In this talk, I give an overview of what OpenTelemetry (OTeL) is and what it can help you to achieve. The example consists of multiple microservices which are deployed in a Kubernetes cluster fully traced with OTeL. The traced components are: React frontend Kubernetes Ingress Controller API backend Kafka Asynchronous processing microservice Repository: Components Snapshot Snapshot is a React photo gallery to showcase capabilities. In this example, OpenTelemetry tracing capabilities have been added to allow an easy way to demonstrate the capture of user input and API call tracing....

November 9, 2021 · Sebastian Poxhofer